Thank you for joining us at the Personal Agility Summit and celebrating the launch of our new book: Personal Agility: Unlocking Purpose, Alignment and Transformation

It was great to highlight so many practitioners from our community and to share the stories of people who are featured as case studies in the book! Thank you to all of our speakers and thank you to everyone who attended!

Get your copy of the Personal Agility book on Amazon now if you haven’t already:

Enclosed is a replay of the Personal Agility Summit if you were not able to join live or if you would like to watch again:

Join Peter Stevens at an in person book signing at the Swiss Agile Network on March 2, 2023:

As a thank you for your support at our Summit and Book launch, we would like to invite you to join us for the free training series as mentioned at the Summit – you can register for any of the below sessions using the registration link for each event. Please feel free to share with colleagues and friends!

FREE Training Series

February 22, 2023 – 10am EST Discover Your Path & Purpose – Maria

Our beliefs shape our behaviors which create our results. Uncover how your beliefs shape your behaviors which create your results and discover how the Personal Agility System can help you reach your goals and how you can experience more meaningful desired outcomes and shift into a more supportive, successful, happier and healthier life.


March 1, 2023 – 10am EST – Empower your People for Higher Performance – Maria

Empower your teams to create groundbreaking results while creating alignment in your organization. Discover how to create the mindset shift necessary to encourage more self organization in your teams while setting the groundwork for higher performance.


March 8, 2023 – 10am EST – PAS Event 3 – Agility is for Executives – Peter

The biggest myth of agility is it offers mostly disadvantages to executives. Not true! Agility represents hope for everybody, especially executives! If you have too many meetings, too much conflict in your organization, or everything moves too slowly, discover the secrets of how Agility can make you more effective! 


March 15, 2023 – 10am EST – PAS Event 4 – Boosting EBIT through Agility – Peter

“An agile transformation restructures the company to optimize for speed and value production.” Has your transformation lost sight of why you are doing it? Examine how Agility can, should and must improve your bottom line. 


March 22, 2023 – 10am EST Accelerating Business Results – Maria–hrj0oGdUTkK5hg8jC1C0qeUWe4di1

Discover how you can embrace the future of work and unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation to accelerate your business results while harnessing the power of Personal Agility combined with emerging technologies and discover the limitless potential of your business.

I am EXCITED to announce that the Personal Agility book is officially launching on Amazon today, published through the Business Agility Institute! Get your copy at a special reduced Kindle rate of for our launch and please share!
We are launching the book at the Personal Agility Summit today and hear all of the amazing stories and case studies and lives transformed by using the Personal Agility System –>

Join us for the Personal Agility Summit and the official launch of the Personal Agility Book!
We have a great lineup of speakers including Joe Justice, Alistair Cockburn, Pete Blum, Ben Sever, Jim H, Nayomi Handunnetti, Snehal Talati, Tariq EQ Amawi, Thomas Hubbuch, Jean-Yves Reynaud, Katrina Snow, Michael Longs, and other practitioners!
Peter Stevens and I are EXCITED to launch the official launch of the Personal Agility book – get your copy today on Amazon! Published through the Business Agility Institute!
Get the Kindle version for a special reduced price as we celebrate the launch!

Katrina is an experienced Project Manager with a Masters Degree in Digital Marketing and a background in Communications. She has successfully worked in a variety of industries from television to advertising and Start Up. Juggling being a mom as well as looking to advance her career, Katrina began using the Personal Agility System to clear the chaos while trying to balance both family and work while working from home during the pandemic. She was able to identify and focus on “What Really Matters” and her story inspires hope for working moms everywhere. Katrina is ready to use what she has learned with Personal Agility to help others clean the chaos on the path to success.


“My situation can best be described as I was a working mom striving to do the best I could in work and home life while breaking matriarchal cycles without completely burning out. My life is still a work in progress as there is always room for improvement and new obstacles that I need to navigate, however I am able to see my strengths and weaknesses and more importantly, communicate them to those around me. Applying Personal Agility showed me how to get out of survival mode and into success mode in all areas of my life and stop the burnout before it happened.”

“Prior to using Personal Agility: 

  • I was constantly on overdrive
  • I didn’t understand my triggers 
  • I couldn’t foresee my burnout
  • I couldn’t hold myself accountable in ways that weren’t damaging 
  • I was poorly communicating with those around me – personally and professionally 
  • I felt like I was living in complete chaos 

I knew what I needed to do but could not get myself to actually take action. 

I felt like I was drowning in complete chaos – and I needed to breathe. 

I was perpetuating the same cycles – and they needed to break. 

I was burning out regularly – and I needed to rest. 

Worst of all, I always had a disappointed feeling and was hyper-critical of myself  – and I really needed to let go.”

“This was me on any given day, even before experiencing back-to-back job loss. I just believed this is who I was. A type-A, go-getter, professional juggler of all things, reliable all the time to everyone, never saying no — AND feeling that being exhausted and broken was totally normal.”

“I was constantly struggling to prioritize, taking on multiple small jobs and getting paid far less than my worth, and sometimes not getting paid at all. We were struggling financially because of this. My job loss, right after having a baby, and my husband’s back injury put me in a state of constant survival mode, thus making terrible decisions, really bad career choices and drowning in utter chaos.” 

“I was also struggling with the mental anguish of being a working mom, stay at home mom, or some insane hybrid, because either way, there was a struggle financially, mental, and emotionally and it was consuming me.”  

Desired Outcome

“My desired outcome was to get out of survival mode, get into success mode, live life at a sustainable pace while dissolving my pre-wired cycles and see where and how I was contributing to the chaos to get it under control. I wanted to set boundaries and hold myself accountable in ways that were not damaging. I needed to reset my work priorities, stop working with toxic clients, and refocus my career goals.”

“I also wanted to find space to nurture myself and not feel depressed or guilty or neglectful to my friends and family. And finally, I wanted to see how others around me were contributing to the chaos and to be better at communicating with each other about it and ultimately stop my burn out before it starts.”

Actual Result

“I did achieve this desired outcome and so much more. I found that I was doing it all and not doing it all, at the same time. Teaching those around me to treat me like I did not have a human capacity. That I am everlasting and do not need support and that I will take on all responsibilities at all times. I was teaching people to treat me like someone who doesn’t matter, like a machine who just constantly produces. These realizations allowed me to identify and align with what really mattered to me and recognize what I (and others) were doing to contribute to the chaos.”

“The tools and techniques of the Personal Agility System that most helped you achieve my desired outcome included The 6 Questions of PAS, What Really Matters (WRM), PAS Priorities Map, and PAS Breadcrumb Trail. I also surveyed other working moms and did some ancillary studies on environmental behaviors to gain a better understanding of my full situation and see how others handled similar challenges.”

“The Personal Agility System helped me achieve my desired outcome by having a clear visualization of what is ahead. Being able to see what could complete in a day, week, or month was life changing. It allowed me to see my life and work balance, or lack thereof in real time. It made the chaos clear and communicable. I could understand what actions of mine were teaching people how to treat me, and working to do better so they (and I) can be better to me.” 

“I could better identify what I was doing to create burnout for myself, then I would rearrange my priorities and communicate where I saw the burnout would likely be so that I could avoid it. I was able to remove bad (abusive/non paying) clients and make room for better clients and better pay, and set boundaries with those that I continued to work with.”

“My triggers also became more clear. I could see where something would trigger me to perpetuate matriarchal cycles and I would work to disrupt them in a positive way. As an added bonus, my health started to take a huge upturn, something I never thought I would have time to focus on was now in the top 3 of my priorities. I was able to manage time in a way that allowed a space for me to nurture myself.”

“Professionally, I found toxic impediments and removed them. I communicated my value with current clients and re-negotiated contracts. I reset professional goals using a great strategist who helped me re-build my resume and showed me proper job searching and follow up. I also stuck to my non-negotiable time boundaries.” 

“Personally, I was finding behaviors that would totally derail me and I found better habits to replace them with. I was communicating with my family more effectively about what I needed and where I needed them; while making myself matter in health and happiness – I don’t think I would have even noticed these areas were suffering if I didn’t have it on my Priorities Map. I was able to visualize where I needed my family to hold themselves accountable for the overall function of the household.” 

“I realized that I was the roadblock to my success – How I treated myself and how I showed others to treat me. I was in control of the chaos the entire time – I still am, just in a clearing way as opposed to a creating way. I was too damaged from holding myself accountable for everything, that I couldn’t hold myself accountable for the right things. Working in small increments was the best way for me to get started and then VROOM, I was off, with a whole new perspective on what really mattered and how I was going to make those items my priority.”

Path to Success

“For others that may want to repeat my success, I want you to know that the chaos does not happen overnight and you will not clear it overnight either, but having a system that you trust to support good decisions and encourage processes and communication will help you keep the chaos under control and the burnout off the horizon.” 

“Working in small increments on What Really Matters and then building out your Priorities Map from there will help you take a step back from your current situation and be really honest with yourself – you don’t have to have it all, not right now and maybe not ever. And that is totally okay.”


© 2021 Peter B. Stevens and Maria Matarelli. Excerpted from Personal Agility: Unlocking Higher Purpose, Alignment, and Performance


Pete Blum is a United States military veteran, an entrepreneur and a professional in information technology, operations, marketing, project management, and business continuity/disaster recovery. He has been a trainer, mentor, and coach to both civilians and military personnel, nationally teaching technology, social media, and entrepreneurship. His passion, mission, and focus is helping others in business and in their personal lives. 

Pete spent 11 years in the U.S. military working in logistics, operations, and information technology. After honorably completing his years of service, he transitioned into civilian life to follow his love of information technology. That first year out, he had 7 different jobs. Eventually he found a great one, but later due to the constant outsourcing, going to the cloud, and transitions that happened in the information technology industry that ended as well. His transition began again.


Another thing stemming from the military life that sticks with you even after you become a civilian is the engrained traits of sacrifice and service.

“In my case it was a desire to help future transitioning veterans have an easier time with transition than I did. I found myself facing a continuous cycle of work transitions, volunteering, and lack of a positive work-life balance. Most importantly, lack of focus, transitions, and spreading yourself too thin has a hard impact on families, the time they spend together, and finances as well.”

Desired Outcome

“My desired outcome was to either break the cycle of repeatedly transitioning as if I were still in the military by finding a great job or to start a business that fulfilled my passion of helping others while providing the stability to take care of my family and allow me to spend those precious moments with them. I missed out on those moments while in the military and deployed. I wanted to never miss those moments again.”

Actual Result

“In embracing the Personal Agility System I have found time freedom, allowing me to spend more time with the family and focus on those treasured moments.”

“I have become an entrepreneur with the ability to fulfill my passion of helping others. I can now work hard, create, shape, and guide others personally or professionally in finding their own stability and success. Being an entrepreneur has also given me the ability to be financially free.”

“The Personal Agility System absolutely helped me! Starting with what really matters and where do I spend my time, I discovered what was important to me the most was not what I was focusing on. My work-life balance was not balanced at all.” 

“This ties significantly into life in the military as well. As an active duty servicemember or as an entrepreneur you’re always on a mission, a timeline, an objective that has to be completed before everything else. Sleeping, eating, family… who has time for that? Personal Agility is certainly the cure!”

“In my case family has always been a priority, however after annotating my daily life using the Personal Agility System I discovered even I could do better.”

Path to Success

“The Personal Agility Priorities Map is one of my favorite tools that helped me get things where they should be in my personal and even professional life. It helped me with prioritization, lack of focus, the fact that I was volunteering too much and spreading myself too thin. And now I always remember to use the “life is the ocean” metaphor and make those continuous course corrections.”

“I now have the ability to share what I have learned through the Personal Agility System to help transitioning military and veterans find the same personal freedom that I have achieved. Many of them start over in a new career or industry. From the “life is the ocean” metaphor and finding their path, to all the other tools that PAS offers I know from personal experience that they can have the same positive results for their lives, families, and finances as well.”

© 2021 Peter B. Stevens and Maria Matarelli. Excerpted from Personal Agility: Unlocking Higher Purpose, Alignment, and Performance

Knowing “What Really Matters” in your life is the first step to designing the life you want that is full of satisfaction, joy, and fulfillment. Knowing “What Really Matters” in your business can create a powerful level of focus to help you create greater results. It’s easy to get swept away with the busy world we live in now with social media distractions, texts, emails, and other notifications going off all day on our phone. It can also be easy to slip into being supportive of the people around you without taking the time to really focus on what is important to you – the things you find fulfilling and the results you want to create.

If you never step back to think about what matters, you may be wandering aimlessly in a repetitive cycle from week to week and not feel like you’re getting ahead. Even if you do know “What Really Matters” – are you taking the active steps forward that will help you  achieve these goals and make the results you say you want a reality?

Enter the Personal Agility System Alignment Compass. A powerful visual tool for helping you reflect on where you’ve been spending your time to see if your behaviors, actions, and patterns are in alignment with the things you say are important. While your Priorities Map will help you see what you’ve achieved, the Alignment Compass provides an additional layer of insights, a holistic visualization of where you spend your focus.

You can see if you are in balance or if your attention has been pulled in different directions. This holistic view of how your actions have aligned with what you say matters can provide valuable insights and an opportunity to reflect while celebrating what you have achieved and providing the opportunity to choose differently if you want to create different results moving forward.

If you would like to learn more about the Personal Agility System and the Alignment Compass, join one of our upcoming events or training courses and unlock a level of higher performance:

Join host, Piyali Karmakar and special guest, Mark Lombardi-Nelson at the Personal Agility Global Roundtable on September 16, 2021 at 12pm EST. Mark will be presenting on “Personal Agility for Leaders: The 5 Ms to Create Shared Actualization”

SAVE THE DATE! More details coming soon!

Join the Personal Agility Institute founders, Peter Stevens and Maria Matarelli, to explore the impact of alignment, purpose, and agility in business units of all sizes at the eXperience Agile global event on September 27th.

Executive practitioners of the Personal Agility System will share their experience achieving profitability goals, company turn-arounds and work-life balance for themselves and their organizations. Speakers include Walter Stulzer, Executive Director at Futureworks, a creative consultancy based in Zurich, Switzerland; Nayomi Handunnetti, Executive Director, Handun Villas & Restaurants in Colombo, Sri Lanka; and Ben Sever, CEO of eRemede, a fast growing med tech company in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. 

Learn how applying Personal Agility as a leadership and coaching based framework can provide the foundation for the people in your organization to reach a state of higher performance.

After each executive shares their case, you can join the break-out rooms for a question and answer session with the executive of your choice to find inspiration, wisdom, and insights to accelerate your company’s own agile journey.

Join us →

The Scrum Alliance hosted an interview series where they invited Peter Stevens and Maria Matarelli to talk about Personal Agility and how people can apply this simple approach in their life to do more of What Really Matters. Here, Peter and Maria discuss how to resolve relationship conflict using powerful questions which are a core staple in Personal Agility.

Read the full article:

The Scrum Alliance hosted an at-home agility interview series where they invited Peter Stevens and Maria Matarelli to talk about Personal Agility and how people can apply this simple approach in their life to do more of What Really Matters.

Watch the video interview:

Read the full article:

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