Hi everyone,
Yes, it is really going to happen tomorrow: Agility and EBIT
Tomorrow, April 12, 2023 – 10am EST (16:00 CET/19:30 IST)
Agility and EBIT – Led by Peter
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrd-yuqj0jHNOsTS8nlm2g7kTtvrXk___E
EBIT is of course Earnings before Interest and Taxes. I want to explore the relationship between Agility and Profitability. How come our companies are Agile but it hasn't made a difference in our profitability?
I look forward to discussing your challenges and will share some of my thinking and research tomorrow!
And we'll have a special offer on the first cohort of the Leadership Development Program with Personal Agility!
See you then!
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