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G5: Personal Agility Journey - John S. Badgley

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John S Badgley
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In 1998, I began my Personal Journey with Transformational Education changed my life!

There are 2 kinds of Education:

1. Informational Education - is an additive approach we use to be useful in life; How to tie your shoes; How to read a book. You add and learn, Then you take tests, Then add some more.

2. Transformational Education - is a reductive approach; It takes away what's in the way of you being powerful and effective with the knowledge you already have; leaving you in action, producing breakthroughs that dramatically expand your quality of life.

The Tools of Transformational Education come in a vocabulary called Distinctions. Distinctions are used to create space in our collapsed conversational reality. There is REALITY [What happened] and there is your STORY about the reality [What you made it mean]. Distinctions allow you to see the Reality as Distinct from your Story.

The Process for Transformational Education:
[1] Using Distinction to have Breakthroughs
--> [2] Breakthroughs happen in a moment AND change your experience of Life permanently
--> [3] New Openings for Action reveal themselves
--> [4] Take New Actions
--> [5] Getting New Results
--> [6] Sharing those New Results with others
--> [7] Life Transforms and listens you Newly

Why? I'm playing for Extraordinary OVER Ordinary results; For a Life you Love and Living it Powerfully. 

How? Breakthroughs! Finding those Blind spots, Seeing NEW ACTIONS, and Taking those actions.

So you can Transform Any Area of Life that's important to you: Career, Financial, Education, Fitness, Family, Relationships.

3 Key Distinctions that Transformed my life

1. Integrity: Doing What you said you would Do, When you said you would do it, In the WAY you said you would Do it. Where Does this Show Up in Personal Agility? Integrity shows up in Leadership! in Coaching! and in Lives of People who make the greatest difference.

2. Authenticity: Telling the Truth, about Who you really Are, and Who you really Are Not. Where Does this Show Up in Personal Agility? Authenticity shows up in Being BOLD in who you are! Your greatest source of happiness is in accessing who you really are in this life, creating your life as an expression of who you're BEING, and even starting with the simplest of questions: Are you happy? What's important to you?

3. Ownership: Taking Responsibility for Everything that's yours, And Not taking Responsibility for Everything that's Not yours. Where Does this Show Up in Personal Agility? Taking responsibility is identifying those things you're NOT taking responsibility for and OWNING them! Then identifying those things you're TRYING to take responsibility for, that are NOT yours, and letting them GO! Consider the ordinary: Blaming someone or something else for everything that doesn't work in your life AND Faulting yourself for those things that are not your responsibility. Ownership is about Powerfully taking responsibility. 

I used those 3 Key Distinctions in my Life and Leadership as a Coach. 

In 2008, my Personal Journey with Transformation came together with my Professional Career in Agile and Agility, when I discovered Coaching and Facilitating Agile Teams use the same Distinctions I have been using as a Transformational Leader and Coach! Everything I was doing in my Personal life came together with my Professional life to enable those on individuals on Leadership, Business, and Delivery Teams.

In 2019, I began a study into the source of the Resistance and Sabotage of Change. My study developed into a Map, Model, and Movement for Agility Systems which looks at the Universe of where Agility lives, from Employee to the World, and from birth to death of your Career. Using a Systems Thinking approach, consider that the elements required to achieve Agility live both within and without those Agility systems. My work Mission is called G5: Enabling Real Change for People and Companies.

There are [5] interdependent Agility Ecosystems: Personal, Business, Career, Change, and Coaching. Agility systems are 20% Process and 80% People. Agility systems can be applied to Business, Education, Community. And all Ecosystem have Problem and Solution spaces.

Personal Agility is the beginning and most integral part of achieving Agility within any other Agility system. People ARE the system! When People work, the system works. Companies looking to build Change Agility MUST consider People central to the success of that change!

G5 discovered 3 themes; Consider change comes to your Company:
1. Leadership is winning their games, Change offers a new game, but they are winning their game. So they #Resist the change!
2. Employees are unclear about change. No idea how to play or what their Career looks like. Lack of clarity sounds like a threat! So they #Resist the change!
3. Employees are clear about the change, BUT it seems your asking them to start their career over! They have to room to move in their Career, or Financial lives! So they #Resist the change!

Discovering the need for Personal Agility was a Breakthrough moment!

WHO is Personal Agility for?

1. Leadership, Executives, HR = to experience Transformation, Personal Agility AND enable Change Agility for people in their companies.
2. Business, Delivery = to experience Transformation, practice Personal Agility AND prepare themselves for Change and Career Agility.
3. Educators, Students = to experience Transformation, practice Personal Agility AND to enable students' Change, Career, and Financial Agility.
4. Coaches = to experience Transformation, practice Personal Agility AND enable Real Change Agility for people and companies

So in 2019, my Journey with Personal Agility began - 35 weeks ago.

As a Coach, I came to Personal Agility thinking "This is FINALLY about ME!". It was so good to take time, quiet myself, and get to work, listening for what Really Matters to me in my life. I spend so much time as a coach listening to other people but I never get the opportunity to participate. So it was such a relief to finally be the participant and go to work on myself. One of the things I realize right away is I wanted to build a balance between my personal and professional life. Personal Agility isn't just about getting things done. It's about authentically asking and answering yourself if you're happy in your life? Identifying those areas that would make a difference, and taking action to have real results.

AIR - Average Integrity Rating
I designed a tool, called AIR which is a heat mapped, scale of 1-10, evaluation of the Top 20 areas of my life that are important to me. Using AIR, I create a specific list of those areas that are my WHY? Then, using AIR, It gives me an opportunity to listen, and truthfully tell myself, what my experience is in each area of my life. From the Top 20 view, I get to visualize what's working and what's not. And an average of those areas gives me a relative number to represent what is my overall experience of life. Then, as I use my AIR evaluation, within Personal Agility, I'm able to breadcrumb not only those things I'm completing on a weekly basis, I'm getting to see how it impacts my overall experience of my life.

The course was 5 weeks, including
1. An online video training series
2. Instructions to build Personal Kanban board
3. Instructions on the Context, Questions, and Personal Agility Practice
4. Weekly 1hr accountability buddy zoom/phone calls
5. Weekly 1hr group zoom calls

Using Personal Kanban, Forces Map
1. Challenges the Context you operate from
2. Considering WHAT I'm committed to and WHAT I want to create
3. WHOLE NEW REALMS open up when you consider the future you want to live into

Using Personal Kanban, Priorities Map
1. Ask WHY? you Value what you do AUTHENTICITY
2. Build your own Value Prioritized Backlog
3. Capture and Visualize your commitments
5. Share your commitments with OTHER people in your life
6. Limit your own WIP, so you don't commit more than you are able INTEGRITY
7. Helps you Visualize WHAT you are committed to
8. Making Weekly commitments give you a RHYTHM to your life
9. Celebrate and Choose allows you to ACKNOWLEDGE and LOVE yourself OWNERSHIP
10. AIR Allows you to Visually consider your EXPERIENCE of LIFE! AUTHENTICITY

Accountability Buddy
1. Build the practice of Accountability for your commitments
2. Listening for those blind spots and new opportunities
3. Authentically listening and sharing with someone who cares

Group calls
1. Learn HOW others are using Personal Agility
2. Sharing Breakthroughs and new life experiences
3. Getting to share the REAL results in your life

My Breakthroughs
1. Began Creating Context for my life in areas of Love, Fun, Career, Legacy
2. Began to build BALANCE into my life, between Personal and Professional life
3. Discovered 2 New Views: Forces = 10,000ft view, Priorities = 100ft and Ground level view
4. Discovered "Breakcrumbing" allowed me to track my weekly results and acknowledge my progress
5. CONFIRMED Personal Agility is a WHOLE NEW SYSTEM for creating REAL CHANGE!

If you hear an opportunity for yourself or your life in my sharing? Please reach out! Let's zoom, and connect. 

John S. Badgley
Agility Systems Coach
M/ 201 873-6416

Posted : 10/12/2019 4:50 pm

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