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How Empathic Leaders Use Personal Agility

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Gail Ferreira
Posts: 2
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Empathic Leadership and Personal Agility


Empathic leadership is needed in periods of turbulence and crisis to move organizations into recovery.

Empathic agile leadership is both an art as well as a science.

Empathy is a squishy term that can be confusing to understand. Is empathy sympathy? Is empathy intuition?

The answer is yes, all of these things are true!

An innate sixth sense is needed to move organizations forward in times of crisis and beyond.


Empathic agile leadership is both an art as well as a science.

Empathy is a squishy term that can be confusing to understand. Is empathy sympathy? Is empathy intuition?

The answer is yes, all of these things are true!

An innate sixth sense is needed to move organizations forward in times of crisis and beyond.



How do leaders accomplish this?

Leaders need to lead with an empathic stance using Personal Agility as a framework for people in the organization to introspect and decide on “What Matters Most”. Additionally, empathic leaders need to demonstrate the ability to listen to what people are saying. They can accomplish this by working with teams to understand their issues by working in the trenches with them, and not only listening to their hopes, dreams and goals, but also share their work experiences.

Leaders can work with teams to “Celebrate and Choose” not only what matters most to individuals, but also teams.


I have led multiple workshops with executives to help build their leadership skills using tools, and have found that Personal Agility is a great addition to my quiver of solutions to provide guidance from the C-Level to the team level.

Without empathy, frameworks are bland, with roadmaps and strategy sessions yielding results that do not provide growth to the productivity as well as to the culture of the organization. The addition of Personal Agility helped rock my client’s world by providing them with some real “AHA” moments that helped them introspect and focus on “What Matters Most”.

Posted : 15/01/2021 8:20 pm
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